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Writer's pictureJason Hardin

STOP BEING A B!#%H: How To Choose Greatness Over Fear

stop being a bitch

Let's get straight to it. If you’re tired of living in the shadows of mediocrity, or settling for less than what you know you deserve, then it’s time to shake things up. Straight up, are you done playing small, and ready to embrace something greater? This is where you make a choice—greatness over fear, potential over hesitation, and resilience over mediocrity.

Now, I get it. Life can feel like a series of obstacles thrown in your path, and fear often shows up dressed as a protector. Fear keeps you "safe," but it can also lock you into the life of being average, stuck in the same routine, day in and day out. The truth is, fear, when unchecked, will strip away your power. It will rob you of your peace, your joy, and any chance you have at achieving the greatness you’re meant for. You’ll find yourself constantly on the sidelines, afraid to make that next move, constantly seeking validation instead of standing confidently on your own two feet.

But here's the deal: if you're serious about breaking out of that pattern, you have to stop letting fear run the show. You’ve got to step up and take control of your life, and that starts by taking a hard look in the mirror. Don’t sugarcoat it. Own where you’ve been playing small, because that’s the first step to breaking free from it. Peter Voogd said it best: "Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right." You gotta shift your mindset from playing not to lose to playing to win.


Choosing greatness means taking control of your narrative. It means making choices that align with the life you want to live, even when it’s uncomfortable. Understand this: greatness doesn’t come to those who avoid discomfort—it comes to those who lean into it, embrace it, and use it as fuel to move forward.

So, how do you stop being stuck, and start walking toward greatness? Let’s break it down into some steps you can start applying today:

1. Identify and Confront Your Fears

The first step to stepping into your greatness is knowing what you’re running from. Sit down and really think about what’s holding you back. Is it failure? Rejection? A fear of looking stupid? Write it down, examine it. Is it based on reality, or is it something you’ve built up in your head over time? The only way to break the cycle of fear is to call it out by name. Once you see it for what it is, you can start dismantling it.

2. Challenge Your Comfort Zone

Success and comfort cannot coexist. Think about that. You can't grow into the person you're supposed to be if you're constantly avoiding discomfort. Start taking those small, calculated risks every day. Eric Thomas says, “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” It’s about being hungry for change and challenging yourself to stretch beyond what feels safe.

3. Surround Yourself With People Who Push You Forward

Your circle matters—big time. Negative people, small thinkers, and constant complainers are dead weight. Surround yourself with people who think bigger, push harder, and are on a constant path of self-improvement. Seek out mentors and role models. This could be people like Gary Vee, who’s always stressing the importance of hustle and resilience, or even Dr. Boyce Watkins, who talks about financial empowerment and being in control of your own destiny. Their stories of overcoming obstacles are proof that greatness is possible when you push past fear.

4. Take Relentless Action

The gap between where you are and where you want to be is only bridged by one thing: action. Don’t just sit there waiting for the right moment, because that moment doesn’t exist. You make it. Start moving toward your goals today, even if it’s one small step at a time. Break your big vision down into manageable chunks and tackle them every day. Consistency breeds success. Action kills fear.

5. Embrace Failure as a Learning Tool

One of the biggest killers of potential is the fear of failure. But here’s the thing—every successful person you admire has failed more times than they can count. It’s not about avoiding failure, it’s about failing forward. Every time you stumble, it’s an opportunity to learn, to refine your approach, and to come back stronger. Gary Vee always says, "Failure is the best thing that can happen to you, because that's where the lessons are." So don’t let fear of failure keep you locked in place. Use failure to your advantage.

6. Get Comfortable with Discomfort

You’ve got to get used to being uncomfortable. Greatness isn’t about how talented you are, it’s about how much discomfort you can handle. The more uncomfortable situations you put yourself in, the more you grow, the stronger you get, and the more resilient you become. As Tony Robbins would say, “Where focus goes, energy flows,” so focus on pushing your limits daily.

7. Create a Blueprint for Success

Here’s the real talk: nobody's going to hand you success. You need a plan—a blueprint for your life, your business, your goals. Write it down, map it out, and then execute. Success is about building a lifestyle, not chasing a quick win. That’s how you stay consistent and focused, even when fear tries to creep back in.


Life’s too short to be anything but great. Stop wasting time on things that don’t push you forward. Stop letting fear dictate your decisions. Every single day you have a choice: greatness or mediocrity. And every day you choose greatness, you’re one step closer to the life you were meant to live. The world needs more leaders, more visionaries, more BOSSes—and that could be you, if you decide to stop playing small and start living like greatness is your only option.

Stop waiting for permission. Stop apologizing for wanting more. Go out there and take what’s yours.


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